You made it!!
You built a business from scratch.
You started it all to fulfill a passion, serve others, become your own boss and have the freedom to do all on your own time while still living a life you love-traveling, exploring, experiencing, enjoying.
Except you got busy. So busy. Now you’re growing and managing and coordinating and overseeing and onboarding and teching (totally not a word, but it works! Lol)
You are literally doing it ALL. Stuck in the tech. Overwhelmed with the management. Heading towards burnout yet again. (What is this, like the 8,384,675th time? But who’s counting)
You probably hired a VA, possibly more than one, to relieve your admin duties and social media struggles, even content creation & marketing.
But now you’re managing them too and making sure they are on task, in alignment with your vision, producing, hitting their numbers & meeting the needs of your company & customers. The list goes on!
You’re trying to do it all & keep it together because it’s easier than training someone, it’s cheaper than outsourcing, and it’ll take less time to just do it yourself the way you want it done. And who are we kidding, you don’t have an option, but to get it done or let things start falling through the cracks.
I promise-this isn’t the end!
This isn’t all that life has for you!
AND…You are so not alone!
I see your vision, your dream, your passion. Let’s turn your business into an empire, simultaneously lift the burden of daily operations off your back and reclaim all of the dreams you had when you first ventured into creating it all.
I’m here to help you get back to doing all the things you love and eliminating the tasks weighing you down.
Let me take my 10+ years Corporate Operations experience and scale it to fit the needs of your business.
Are you ready to start living and loving your business again? Don’t tell me you’re not, because who are we kidding-we all want that!
So tell me…What tasks are keeping working IN your business, rather than ON your business?